
Below, we publish testimonials sent to us by post. Please do send us your own.

Mrs Gibson's pond before treating with Aquaplancton

Mrs Gibson’s pond before treating with Aquaplancton

I feel I must write and reiterate all the praise your product has already received. Our large natural pond was a complete eysore – matted green and smelly. We had tried everything on the market and were beginning to despair of ever having a lovely clean pond you see on TV and in the gardening magazines. But miracles do happen and I enclose two photographs showing before and after. This transformation took place within 5 weeks and we are thrilled.

Mrs Gibson's pond after treatment with Aquaplancton

Mrs Gibson’s pond after treatment with Aquaplancton

I do hope this miracle continues, but so far so good.

Many thanks

Mrs Astrid Gibson

“Further to my phone call I enclose a cheque for another batch of your “miracle cure for poorly ponds”. My small pond had deteriorated to a murky, blanket weed ridden, puddle of sludge and I was at my wits end and ready to fill it in when I saw your advertisement. I must say that after I had treated the pond with your product I had serious doubts about my own sanity – it looked awful! However I waited, with averted eyes and suddenly the pond began to look better. A second treatment worked even better and now I want some more of your product so that I can treat the pond should any more problems rear their ugly heads, to keep it in the good, clear condition it is in now. Your product turned an eyesore into an interesting sparkling feature full of fish, frogs, newts and plants – not to mention damselflies and other insects – all as happy as the pond owner.”
E. Harrington, Reading, Berkshire

“To whom it may concern, I am trying Aquaplancton for the first time. My pond is only 6ft x 4ft and I have only used a pound of it, but I am surprised at how good it is. I found it slow at first and thought it was not working, but I am now delighted with the results.”
D. Hicken, Bilston, West Midlands

“About a year ago you advised me that your product would help in clearing up the problems that had developed in our pond. I duly purchased a supply and applied it in September. I am pleased to tell you that the lack of clarity, the blanket weed and the stench have not reappeared, the oxygenating plants have made an excellent recovery and the whole pond is brilliantly clear – as good as we have ever known it. So far as we are concerned your product is miraculous and we are grateful that we heard about it. Please accept our thanks and good wishes.”
B. Crouch, Powys, Wales

“Last summer I used 19 bags of Aquaplancton on my ¼ acre lake. The blanket weed was solid across the whole surface of the water. I thought the trout would suffer from lack of oxygen. Not a bit of it, they thrived better than ever before and ate their trout pellets voraciously. As the remains of the weed turned black, I fished out as much as I could and by October the water was gin clear. At this moment the lake is in excellent condition. I am delighted with the results. This after years of despair! I have no objection to your giving my name to any prospective customer.”
His Honour Judge Charles Pitchford

“I was surprised by the quick delivery of my Aquaplancton which arrived in July. The pond gets full sun all day; the water and the liner were green with algae but now the water is as clear as crystal – no more clogged filters. I would not hesitate to recommend Aquaplancton to anybody. A very satisfied customer.”
G. McGregor, Dundee

“To report triumph again – Not one strand of Blanket weed – Water absolutely gin clear and fish have grown faster than ever before and are extremely well and cheerful.”
Grantham, Lincs.

“The result is truly amazing, some 8 weeks later nearly all the sludge has disappeared. This stuff is incredible! It has even “eaten” all the sludge in my mechanical filter sumps and the bacteria filters are virtually clear of any of the excess deposits which caused all my previous problems. The gravel areas are entirely visible and I keep having to look twice to believe what I have seen.”
E. Senescall, Swindon, Wiltshire

“We have always had a constant problem with our ponds, because no matter how much we tried to take the weed out, it just seemed to return and multiply, also the Fairy Moss was a pervasive headache. Now it has not only disappeared (although I think it is ready for another dose) but also, to my knowledge, it has not harmed any of the wildlife. This is very important, as I am delighted to see all the wildlife in there.”
C. Wilcox, Halesworth, Suffolk

“We only have a small pond – but the difference now is quite fantastic. The water previously was murky and covered with weed – (Duckweed). This has now disappeared and the water is clear and we can see the pond life clearly. Again many thanks.”
J. Hawker, Thurnby, Leicester

“The first treatment was added to my pools about six weeks ago and already I can perceive a definite improvement. I also added a hefty dose to my growing-on pond and the result was nothing short of miraculous, all the sludge having disappeared who knows where? Even the heavy ‘matting’ which usually coats the filter brushes appears to have reduced by about 50%, so I have high hopes that the amount of ‘sludge’ which has to be vacuumed out each week will also be reduced by a like amount. An initial colouring of the water quickly disappeared and is apparently quite normal.”
J Cuvelier, Koi enthusiast

“I am writing to tell you how pleased I am with your product. I get great pleasure from 40 or so ornamental ducks which inhabit the three ponds in my garden. I was concerned that the diving ducks might be affected by your product. This is definitely not so. We put in your Aquaplancton powder and the ducks and birds immediately drank and swam in it. No greening – no smell at all . This would not have been possible without your product. It’s Great.”
D. Parker, Hertfordshire

“The British Waterfowl Association If there’s one thing that keepers of waterfowl do NOT like, it’s foul, smelly water, slimy and green. So it seemed a godsend when a BWA member suggested I try Aquaplancton. I did and I can only endorse all she told me. I can vouch for the fact that, having used the powder, I can now see the feet and legs of my ducks again. It works! The water in our ponds is now crystal clear and there’s no nasty smell.”
A. Jacobson, BWA Member

“We have been re-ordering 20 commercial size bags for several years now for use in many different ponds with Mirror, Ghost, and Koi carp and would just like to take this opportunity to say how successful we have found your product to be. The sludge, smell and Blanket weed certainly do disappear, it clears the water beautifully and the fish are perfectly happy. We thank you for your continued supply and efficient service.”
Tony Wilkinson, Hawkhurst Fish Farm

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for a product that does everything that you state. Our pond is as clear as a babbling brook, in fact we have had no problems since we started to use Aquaplancton, which is about 5 years now. So thank you very much and yes you can use this letter in your advert if you wish.”
Ulceby, North Lincs

“I have only a very small pond in my garden but it was troubled by weed that I couldn’t get rid of until I tried a product called Aquaplancton. Now the pond is literally gin-clear and stays so for months. My goldfish too are very healthy and active and I can actually see them! I recommend it without reservation.”
National Trust Member

“Further to purchasing the bulk bag last month and treating our koi pond with Aquaplancton last week, we have seen a dramatic reduction in blanket weed. Where we previously had to clean the sponge pre-filters on the pumps every day, or 2nd day at the latest, we have now been running for 10 days and the pumps still run nearly as well as when we changed the pre-filters (which coincided with the initial Aquaplancton dose). Excellent product! Highly recommendable.”
Blakeney, Glos by e-mail

“Aquaplancton has been remarkably effective in reducing the algae, blanket weed and sludge in my pond. Although the initial action of the product does not appear to be very rapid, the progressive remedial effects of Aquaplancton are quite outstanding – in contrast to the commercial ‘pond treatments’ that I had previously tried. Following the first application of Aquaplancton the water began to clear after 6-7 weeks. Six months later, areas of the liner at the bottom of the pond became visible as the sludge began to recede.”

“During the past 3 years I have treated the pond twice each year (spring and late autumn) using the recommended maintenance quantity of Aquaplancton. In spite of the pond’s exposure to full sunlight, there has been a considerable reduction in the growth of algae and blanket weed, and the sludge that was on the bottom has virtually disappeared.”
R. Wadey, Billingshurst, West Sussex

“I am astounded, quite unbelievable. I had spent a small fortune on various bottles of stuff from water nurseries, all did nothing at all, so I bought (trustingly) a 25kg bag from you. Twelve days later I had a crystal clear pond and am totally amazed. Use my name by all means.”
M. White by e-mail

“Last year I purchased some Aquaplancton from yourselves for my 6’x4’ pond, the effect was unbelievable, blanket weed and green water were banished, this is a particular problem for me as my pond stands in full sun for most of the day.”
G. Stokes, Penrith, Cumbria

“I am just writing to say how pleased I am with Aquaplancton. The pond was very green and we thought it would not change from that, but Aquaplancton has solved the problem. Thank you once again for your marvellous product.”
Coventry, West Midlands